About Loan Lenders and How We Can Help You
We’re aware that you, and many of our fellow South African, could be going through particularly hard times with your urgent money needs at this time.
So, when you’ve got nobody to turn to for information on getting government grants, applying for social relief of distress grants, short-term loans, or advice on your struggle with debt pressure, we hope to be there for you.
We are passionate about providing helpful resources and knowledge that will assist you in making better financial decisions.
Let us help you create wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Who Is Behind Loan Lenders?
My name is Max and I post most of the information on the Loan Lenders website.
You are welcome to contact me here for any queries or suggestions you may have.
Am I qualified to write about general financial matters in South Africa?
I graduated with a BCom (Acc) from Unisa in 1994 so I’m confident I have a good handle on what’s going on financially in South Africa.
I also take a keen interest in providing information, and hopefully helping, to inform all the poor of the poorest in South Africa who would benefit from receiving social grants.
To this end, I provide information on how to apply for the SRD R350 Grant as well as the regular SASSA grants & loans which would make an enormous difference in a poor family’s life if they’re barely surviving on no income.
However, I am not personally involved, or associated, with SASSA or with providing loans of any type.
Not only do we endeavour in providing useful information on this website to assist you with any financial matters, but we can also connect you with the relevant financial institutions that can provide you with financial assistance.
Loan Lenders (https://www.loan-lenders.co.za) connects people who need information on any of the following subjects with the appropriate provider